New Service Information
ED2 looks forward to serving your electrical needs. The following information is provided to assist you in obtaining electrical service to your new or altered service connection in a timely, trouble free manner.
If you already have an existing electrical service connection (meter base), go to Application for Electric Service and follow the instructions. If you are altering or installing a new electrical service connection (meter base), please follow the instructions below:

Electrical Service Guidelines
- Determine the size, type, and voltage of service desired (200 amp, 400 amp, overhead or underground, single or three phase, etc.). You may need to contact your builder or an electrician for this information.
- Print, complete and sign a Customer Request for Service and an Application for Electric Service. Mail, fax, or drop them off at ED2’s office along with the appropriate deposit.
- Once the above forms have been received, ED2’s field representative will contact you to schedule a site visit prior to preparing an estimate (Work Order Authorization).
- District’s Line Extension Policy (General)
- ED2 will notify you by phone or fax once an estimate (Work Order Authorization) is completed. Please note that this is an estimated amount only. Actual charges may vary depending upon the work site. You will be credited or billed the difference between the estimate and the actual costs.
- Sign and return the Work Order Authorization, if necessary, and make arrangements to pay line extension costs.
- Notify other appropriate utilities about the project, i.e. Telephone, TV, Gas, Water.
- You will need to obtain a permit for all new or altered electric service connections from the appropriate inspection agency. Within the city limits of Casa Grande contact the City of Casa Grande Building Inspector (520)421-8600 or if you are in the County contact the Pinal County Building Safety Inspector at (520)868-6455. Important: ED2 cannot set a meter or connect your service until approval is received from the appropriate inspection agency.
If you are performing any excavation, state law requires that you contact Arizona Blue Stake at 1-800-STAKE-IT (1-800-782-5348) a minimum of 48 hours before doing any digging. This is a free service. If there are any privately owned water, irrigation or utility lines, you will need to contact the private agency or person directly. Mark all proposed excavation locations with whitepaint.
RED YELLOW ORANGE BLUE GREEN Electric Gas/Oil Telephone/TV Water Wastewater - Call ED2 and confirm the meter base and trench locations with the ED2 field representative and also confirm with the ED2 Applications Desk that your account has been set up and arrangements for a deposit have been made.
- Install the meter base equipment (see Meter Base Specifications) in the location and manner approved by ED2’s field representative.
- Once installed, contact the appropriate inspection agency and schedule an inspection of the meter base equipment.
- If an underground service is being installed, provide a minimum 30″ deep, 8″ wide, trench per ED2 requirements (see Meter Base Specifications) in the alignment and location approved by ED2’s field representative. Contact ED2 a minimum of 48 hours before digging the trench to schedule the installation of the service cable.
- When the service has been inspected and approved by the appropriate inspection agency and is installed in the location and manner approved, ED2 will then connect the service and install a meter.
Once again, ED2 looks forward to serving your electrical needs.
If you have any questions, feel free to call the office at (520)723-7741 or Toll Free at (800)259-1306.